Sunday, December 27, 2009


I'm kinda dreading the days ahead. Now that my Christmas tree is soon returning to its dusty box and all that remains are leftover turkey and ham, as 60 days (and a whole lotta studying) stand between me and the final MBBS, now that I've handed over my cell group to Jac, now that the choir voices are stilled and the music fades, what is left?

When the festivities and busyness are stripped away, and a man is left with his own fears and impending trials, a man must be secure in his identity in Christ. He is nor defined by what he can do, or the car he drives, or the 20 causes of atrial fibrillation he can recite, or even how "integral" a part of church ministry he is. A man's confidence is not that he will succeed in everything he does (?MBBS?), but that God's plan is the best plan for his life. A man's wish is not merely for comfort and happiness, but a moulding of character. A man's deepest desire is not for success or recognition, but the desire to see God's calling fulfilled in his life.

And I guess, for all that, I'm not dreading tomorrow quite so much after all =)

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