Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I can't believe it's over.

No more whole days of studying; no palpitating sleepless nights before the clinical exams; no endless books and notes and agonising over stuff I forgot after reading 10min ago.

Cleared out almost 5 years worth of accumulated notes/books - there's actually space on my shelf now. In the process of re-packing my room. Throwing out lotsa old, useless stuff. Catharsis? Maybe...but I think it's just me wanting to start anew, after the failures of days past.

MBBS has showed me so much about myself (mostly bad things) and just how 'we all like sheep have gone astray, each turning to his own way,' when the answer would be to carry everything to God in prayer. Looks like I've a long way to go.

Heading to Denmark/Sweden/Iceland early on Good Friday. Will be back on the 21st of April. Cya all soon.

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