Monday, June 14, 2010


Today I realised, not for the 1st time, that there's a callous monster inside of me.

Oh, it's nothing cold-blooded/savage, but still it is rather angry/irritated/impatient/unfeeling/unsympathetic. It's a very predictable monster, really. It likes to lurk in the post-call period, or when fatigue/stress abound. Its claws are sarcasm and teeth are ringed with impatience, irritation and perhaps abit of imperiousness.

And today, it bit this one irritating, pitiful and utterly unreasonable old lady.

Man. I don't look forward to looking in the mirror tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. time to learn how to tame the monster, i'm super moody pre and post call too. jiayous bro-wh
