Monday, August 9, 2010

minutes and seconds

I was in JC then, young, invulnerable, having the time of my life. And that was when a wise man taught me something I remember (and struggle with) to this day.

He said "how do you spell LOVE? Is it L-O-V-E?"

"No it isn't. True love is spelled T-I-M-E."

How true. Love is time spent waiting, hoping, trusting, holding on to, nurturing, caring, keeping the light on for......

And I guess that time is in short supply for us (doctors especially), who rush from patient to patient and task to task with scarcely the time for sleep. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength", the bible says - I guess the 10 min of "love" (aka quiet time) just doesn't cut it.

I'm flying off to India this friday! To all my friends who I haven't met up with, let's meet up soon, hand out, spend some T-I-M-E together...however you want to spell it.


1 comment:

  1. HELLO HELLO you better like, make TIME for me i will smack your face soon ah..
