Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rant (work).

It's been 2 weeks in SGH, and well, it's just exhausting. The daily work is heavy (manageable if you aren't the only HO in the team) but the calls just kill you. Little to no sleep, continuous admissions, 3 blocks to cover, and 7-8 calls a month!!

It sucks being always either pre-call or on-call or post-call. Everyone is just so tired and and morale is low. There's even a few of us thinking of no-pay-leave. huh.

Today is my 1st day off in 2 weeks! hoorayy!! unfortunately it isn't sunday, which means i miss church again. I'm averaging once a month of church recently, which is...sad.....

but i guess, all in all, His grace is sufficient for me. In every season and for every need!

1 comment:

  1. Hey JIA YOU K! Hang on! You can definitely do it!

